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Crystal Characteristics & Vibrational Meanings
7 sided facet opposite 3 sided facet
universal mind to spirit world connection
ask and receive
facilitates the connection. add intentions
8 sided facet
aligns the physical body with the natural world
facilitates the now moment and your connection with the earth center
tiny crystal formations that are attached to the outside of a larger crystal host. Exemplifies self knowing. Reminds you to dispel all that does not serve you well and when you do that you will remain intact and grow stronger because of it.
Attachments on a Main Crystal
Allows life force energy to move freely through the physical world
Healers use this to amplify healing energy
multiple same facets
twin self healers
unity with more them one other
all families
common base with one stand alone larger crystal
cloudy, feminine
access to Akashic Records
knowledge of the universe
when contemplated can emanate purple glow
open access
universal truth can be found within
Crater - Key
left over holes/indents from another crystal growing into the host. These holes can be used, under a finger to manifest the power of the universal life force. Also reminds us of strength and growth. Can be used to help deal with lose of any kind.
understanding and acceptance
powerful spiritual healer
promotes mutual understanding
meditation, accepting with grace
masculine force X
self healer, reminds us if inner strength and fortitude, adaptability and how to bend our spirits into new directions. Helps us to see passed difficult situations to the new truth just around the corner.
Diamond - window
know thyself
meditate on facet reveals yourself to you in totality
Double terminated
both sends and receives energy vibrations, can manifest divination and connect the past to the future.
water inclusion
unquestionable love
release of self doubt
restores faith
Devic - Rare 7-3-7-3-7-3 Configuration. Highly Spiritual. Works with your own Energies. Tread Carefully
Extra Terminations
multiple areas to bring in life energies or release through wider energy band
Fairy Frost
excellent for meditation focus
helps to understand and access universal truths and knowledge
potent power source for other crystals. Recharges and renews when in the vicinity of other vibrations. Generates the universal life force. Specifically directional.
Golden Healer
iron coating on or in the quartz crystal
spiritual healing
balances spiritual energy
increase personal power
confidence, enthusiasm and happiness
high spiritual amplification
conduits of universal life force
perfect spiritual compasses
carries the extra properties although muted which assists the host quartz vibrations
Goddess Crystal
focus of feminine powers of:
helps to balance out heavy masculine state
Key - Crater
liberation of self
inner courage and dignity
self worth
Ledges - on
access to self healing of emotional influences from other people
place the thumb tip, under the nail, onto the ledge
meditate on the now emotions to heal them
can also access ancient knowledge of long ago 6th dimensional beings
Lightbrary - Cathedral thats clear
careful study will access interdimensional communication channels
universal light truth
Yang energies
amplifies masculine abilities of universal understandings
root chakra survival instincts
sometimes viewable only from certain angles
beauty and happiness
brings back joy and universal spiritual connection
connects to your higher self
Step on facet
steps one up to and assists understanding of life force energy
augments a healing session
meditation expansion and healing
adds a free spirit energy field
Twin - Soulmates
two double terminated connected side by side
Feng Shui vibration
amplifies unity and life force of the earth center
powerful relationship healer
representative of the ancient fire symbol
said to balance an overabundance of water energy within the crystal
time and dedication is necessary to access understanding of basic universal truths
holds the ability to answer questions
library access
Twins - Tantric
one sided terminated
cohesion, togetherness, love, commonality, family
power of resolution
both are double terminated
powerful relationship healer
one with all
a window or diamond shaped extra facet to the left of the main face opens yourself to experience passed energy patterns
to the right accesses future energy possibilities
* see also Diamond
Crystal that has been damaged, chipped and generally held together even though it looks very rough. A Warrior like a person who is Strong against any obstacle. Holds Strength and Power within and releases these tendencies in the Person that holds it.
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