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Starting from Scratch...
Let's start with self preparation. Be physically comfortable. Be quiet. Taking a bath or shower using Epsom salt is a fabulous way to leave all stress and negativity behind you. Dedicate you time. Anywhere from 15 minutes to the whole day on self reflection. In silence, you will find your true self.
In silence, I am. Sometimes, quiet is violent.
I guarantee that when you quiet the outside world, your thoughts, your interpretations, your ideas, that your truth will be revealed. Face this self silence with acceptance. Acceptance of who you are.
You can utilize natures cycles or elements into your space. The moon, dirt (earth), midnight, water, stones, Crystals, storms etc. Remember that you are constantly being bombarded by energies all around you. People, places, objects, happenings etc. that you must identify and block out. The energies of nature are what you want to concentrate on. Not people. Breathe.
Wherever and at whatever time that you choose, to have a small ritual, prepare yourself and gather the tools that you may need. Sometimes writing down a few words can be very beneficial in the final process. What is your intent? What is your biggest question? What is it that you must know? What is your single goal? Maybe just to feel love again for yourself. Pink, green, all elements and definitely the moon and running waters. That would be the ritual basically. Engulf yourself in feminine energies. Coincide with the full moon. And a powerful storm is love expression from the earth to the skies. Sing. Speak. Be vulnerable to the energies that you wish to get in touch with. Allow your ritual to unfold itself. Don't force. Be in tune with your heart self and always agree with your intuition and not just what works for someone else!
Always remember, you are unique. The only one like you, is you. period
A ritual can be ongoing, everyday or even once a month. Everyday you could wear a crystal that helps you in some way, or sleep with one under your pillow. During a full moon, you take space for yourself and visit a nearby field at 2am. There are no rules. Only guidelines. And depending on exactly where you are in your own self discovery, your ritual habits will change. Your need, for certain ceremony, will shift once you have created the balance within yourself. Your requirements will change, or not. Their is only your choice and your instinct.
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