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AGE OF AQUARIUS 2012 has had over 200,000 Visitors Since Opening in 2012. Thank you so much for your Support and for following my Website Switch, to here, in 2021.
Gina Lee

As I see it....

the Age of Aquarius has already arrived!

Despite the many theologies, on the subject, based on facts alone. According to the procession of the equinox, aquarius arrived celestially on December 21, 2012. This time also marks the precise date that the earth moved into the edge of the photon belt. And these two events have propelled mankind and all earths energies in a new age!

The Universe


  There are many people today who have not only felt this "change" but have chosen not to acknowledge it to such a degree that this vibrationary field actually causes pain instead of an uplifting and new spirit. Feeling overwhelmed and unable to deal with just one more thing, they will leave to come back again another time.


Those who feel this "lift" from within and embrace the change that it is causing, are shifting, evolving. They are still the same people that they always were but somethings different. They exhibit characteristics of complete happiness and joy. Maybe quitting their job or leaving an already dwindling relationship to explore more of themselves. They seem to throw caution to the wind and move away or spend all of their money on self sustaining livability. These are all signs of the awakening and the beginning changes associated with the Age of Aquarius.


So you see the signs are all there. It has been written for many thousands of years that this is the dawn of a new age, this is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius!

Photon Belt

       What we do is provide individual energies with any bridge that is necessary to reach this new level of enlightenment. Offering many modalities of healing which cover physical, mental and spiritual aspects. No matter what state of consciousness that you are currently in, we can propel you to the next phase of awakening within yourself.


From psychic healing sessions to obtaining a protection crystals for your own private use, we will provide whatever it is that you need right now. And when you feel that you are ready for another big leap, we will provided this for you as well.


Our goal is to raise the vibratory level of all Greeley,Colorado higher then anywhere else on the planet!


To realize your connectiveness to all is the dawning of the awakening.


Welcome and what can we do for you today?


Move into the New Age...

In a world of many uncertainties there are three, tri we know to be true....
Third dimension
Forth dimension
Twelve dimension
Image by Javier Miranda
 These three Fundamental truths just are. They cannot be changed. The realization of our inner selves opens doorways inside of our entirety. These doorways are who we are and allowing whats behind them to become part of us is how we strengthen our inner light. For these gateways hold the keys to who we essentially are, individual.
Everyone has within them the same bright white light, however our paths to this center are always different. This light is what we are. All one. The flower of life represents ourselves. One strong light point will ripple through to surrounding points and raise them up. This is why prayer works. This is why one person can make a difference. Because we are all part of the whole.

The universe. Our minds, our learnings, our experiences that we remember all can get in the way of the ultimate truth. We are all gods. Superman, so to speak. Extraordinary events, children, discoveries, magik and the awakening are all signs of the revelation.
rules of being human
Any feelings that you carry about the revelation, one will stand true. Collapse of the world as we know it. Wrath upon the earth and salvation of some sort. The world matrix has been created to lower the vibration of all energies on this planet. In america, it is extremely out of control. The elected leaders have conformed society into a state of fear. Fear is an illusion. It is created out of dependance. Media, poison, arms control, information. All geared to instill fear in the people.
World powers are collapsing bringing power back to the people. Many nations are raising up and working together to live in peace, John Lennon sings it best. American leaders are scrambling and cannot control the information that people are receiving through the world wide web. This is allowing people the choice not to live in fear. Without fear, the only true emotion is love.
The world is collapsing. As more people awaken and open their own doorways, they will realize their true selves and the world will change. It already has. Since December the 21 st of 2012, we entered the photon belt which surrounds the center of the universe. The photon energy will be with us for some time. All of the energies around us are lifting up. Everyone can feel it. Some embrace this new light, some decide to leave and come back another day.
There is so much more information to share. The foods that you eat, your inner thoughts on everything and everyone, and your environment all play a role in how bright that inner light shines. Everyone is at a different place in their journey. Recognizing where you are on yours, is a great place to start, to reconnect to your inner bright light.


Thank you so much for visiting us and we hope that you enjoy what we have put together to assist you in your awakening. Much more to come.


My website has one intent. To help everyone with their awakening. Through the healing of the physical, mental and spiritual, your path will become unclouded and clear. Embrace who you are! LOVE


Be the change


I Am the Change

golden dawn awakening
Be Crazy Kool

The important thing is this: 

to be able, at any moment, 

to sacrifice what we are for what we could become.

- Maharishi Mahesh

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